SLS 3D Printing in Vermont


SLS 3D printing is when a laser is used to solidify and bond grains of plastic, ceramic, glass, metal or other materials into layers to produce a 3D object. It works like other additive manufacturing technologies in that it provides a print by building layers-upon-layers until the object is complete. Once the laser traces the pattern of each layer slice into the bed of powder, the bed lowers and another layer is traced and bonded on top of the previous. A major benefit of SLS 3D printing is that it does not require a support structure to produce intricate designs.

Mindware is Asia’s largest provider of SLS 3D Printing Solutions. New Delhi Printers being the brainchild of Mindware, thus inculcating all the expertise into its products and services, provides best solutions for SLS 3D Printing Solutions.

Best SLS 3D Printing Solutions call +91 9810822688 and mail us at


  • Unlike some other 3D printing methods, SLS requires minimal to no support structures. This allows for the creation of complex internal features, undercuts, and thin walls within a printed part.
  • The SLS process boasts high dimensional accuracy, typically within ± 0.3% of the part size. This ensures consistent and reliable results across multiple prints.
  • SLS utilizes unused powder from the printing process, minimizing waste compared to some other 3D printing methods.

  • SLS printed parts can be used directly in some applications without further finishing. However, some post-processing techniques can improve surface finish or add additional features.
SLS 3D Printing